Adding an event with an occurrence
- Select the plus on the events module button
Or select the “new” tab if in the events module already.
- Enter your event details into the appropriate fields
some Fields are described below:
Reference: This is a unique shortcode that you can use as a reference for this event. It is used on booking confirmation emails and as a way of singling out an event within the admin panel. [e.g. Conf2019]
Event Summary: The use of the summary varies by website, but often appears in the list of events on your website and may appear as the intro before the main description on the event page itself.
Main Event Contact fields: Shown on booking confirmations and possibly on the event page itself. It is the person that a delegate can contact with queries or booking issues.
- Within your event, click the “Event Occurrences” tab.
- Click to add a new occurrence.
Enter your event occurrence details into the appropriate fields
Some fields are described below:
Status: Defining if this occurrence is visible or not. “Draft” status can be used for occurrences not yet complete. “Live” is used to make an occurrence visible on the website. “Suspended”, “Cancelled” and “Deleted” will remove the occurrence from the website.
Display Date: By default, on the event page on your website, the occurrence date(s) are shown. The “Display Date” field allows you to override this with some free text.
Capacity: The capacity of the venue. This value is used to avoid overbooking and takes multiple delegates into account.
Booking Required: Indicates whether this occurrence needs to be booked to attend. Fields following this further filter who can book/attend.
Tickets: Where Tickets types are added alongside setting the price and roles that can book the ticket type.
People: Add who may be speaking/presenting/attending etc the event.
Companies: Add which companies may be sponsoring/partnering with the event.
- Click the “Done” button at the bottom of the occurrence
- Publish your event
It is also possible to save your event as a draft to complete later.