Address and Communications

Address and Communications

Validate Addresses 
- Access the Memberbase dashboard.  
- Navigate to the “contact's section”.  
- Click on the “view more” button on the top left area of the selected contact. 
- Right click on the action dropdown below and select validate. 
- If prompted, click on the “Run action” button. 

Send Communication 

- Access the Memberbase dashboard.  
- Navigate to the “contact's section”. 
- Identify the group of individuals you want to communicate with. 
- Right click on “communication” dropdown.
- Decide on the most appropriate channel to reach your target audience. This could be email, text messaging.
- Use your chosen communication channel to send your message to your target audience by clicking on the “send” button. 

Add Document 

- Access the Memberbase dashboard. 
- Navigate to the “contact’s section”. 
- Determine what documents you want to add. 
- Right click on “manage contact” dropdown. 
- Click on “upload document”. 
- If prompted, Upload your documents to the file-sharing platform. 
- Finally, click on save document. 

Add Notes 

- Access the Memberbase dashboard. 
- Navigate to the “contact’s section”. 
- Right click on “manage contact” dropdown. 
- Click on add a note. 
- Write your note in the text area provided. 
- Finally. Click “save note”. 

Activity Logs 

- Access the Memberbase dashboard. 
- Navigate to the “contact’s section”. 
- Determine what actions you want to track 
- Click on the “activity log”. 

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